☼Your Fairytale Summer Adventure Starts Here ☼

Welcome to A Fairytale Summer!!

(whoever guesses how many times I say ‘A Fairytale Summer’ ,including the title, during this whole event, gets a special prize)

This post is just a schedule of all the fairytale fun we’re going to be enjoying during the event, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any of the posts!

(Note: Squarespace does not allow me to automatically update you everytime I post, but I link all recent posts in my tri-monthly newsletter!!)

So here we are!!

~ Le Schedule ~

Thursday (June 20th) - Cinderella by Every Other Name ~ Yours Truly

Friday (June 21st) - Favorite Fairytale Movies ~ Katherine Perry

Saturday (June 22nd) - Fairytale Inspired Moodboards ~ C.K Heartwing

Sunday (June 23rd) -

Monday (June 24th) - Favorite Fairytale Books ~ Virgina Henderson

Tuesday (June 25th) - Magical Moodboards ~ yours truly ~ / The Origins of Beauty and the Beast ~ Cate VanNostrand

Wednesday (June 26th) - Why We Need Fairy Tales ~ Madisyn Carlin

Thursday (June 27th) - Favorite Fairytale Retellings ~ Katja Labonté

Friday (June 28th) - Snow and Rose ~ Lillian Keith

Saturday (June 29th) - My Favorite Fairytale (s) ~ yours truly / Favorite Fairytale Books ~ Rose Q. Addams

Sunday (June 30th) -

Monday (July 1st) - Blog Post ~ Jaiden Phillips

Tuesday (July 2nd) - Penelope Penwiggles Posts ~ Lillian Keith

Wednesday (July 3rd) Favorite Fairytale Books ~ Desiree

Thursday (July 4th) - Favorite Fairytale / Thanks for Playing!~ yours truly


Cinderella~ by every other name~


♡Cornerstone Cover Reveal pt. 2 ~Autumn Edition~