Cinderella~ by every other name~

Arguably one of the most famous fairytales, the story of Cinderella has stood the test of time throughout the world.

But the story is not all scatter-brained fairy godmothers and vegetables used as questionable means of transportation.

Did you know that at one point, Cinderella was almost eaten by Baba Yaga? Or that she had a magical fish friend? Or that her name was Danielle and she saved the Crown Prince fo France from being robbed by brigands??

(brigands is such a good word, it should totally make a comeback)

All these adventures and more can be found here, in your very own ‘ULTIMATE LIST OF CINDERELLA’

Once Upon A Page

From opening a book for the first time and hearing the spine crack, to revisiting the time-soften pages of your favorite story…

This list will have you wanting to cozy up with an old favorite, or venture out to find a new read!

Princess Furball - A clever princess in hiding escapes a dreadful marriage and wins the heart of the prince through soup and sparkles

The Rough-Faced Girl - Though simple in station and scarred in appearance, an Algonquin Indian girl competes for the affection of her village’s ‘Invisible Being’

Cendrillon - With a ‘to -to -to’ of her mahogany wand, a Carribean Nannin makes a way for her god-daughter to attend a grand fete

Yeh- Shen - An Ancient Chinese Cinderella story where a girl overcomes the wickedness of her stepmother and stepsister with the help of magical fish bones

( 🎶 the power of friendship 🎶)

Konji and Potgi - Although treated unfairly by her stepmother and her daughter, Konji proves she is worthy to become the Prince’s bride

Anklet for a Princess - Cinduri is hungry and ragged but a magical reptile gives her food and dresses her in finery so she can meet the prince

Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters - Mufaro’s two beautiful daughters, one who is bad tempered and the other who is kind and sweet, go before the king, who is choosing a wife

Ella Enchanted (series) - At birth, Ella is inadvertently cursed by an imprudent young fairy named Lucinda, who bestows on her the "gift" of obedience. Anything anyone tells her to do, Ella must obey. Another girl might have been cowed by this affliction, but not feisty Ella!

Bella At Midnight - In the little village of Castle Down, in a kingdom plagued by war, lives a peasant girl called Bella. Blessed with a kind family and a loving friend, she manages to create her own small patch of sunlight in a dark and dangerous world.

Cinderella Tales From Around the World-

These are some further Cinderella stories from Russia to India to France to South Africa!

  • Benizara and Kakezara

  • Red Onion, White Onion

  • The Black Cow

  • Vasilia the Beautiful

  • The Magic Horns

  • The Maiden and her Fish

  • Maria Cinderella


~ On The Silver Screen ~

From Roger’s and Hammerstein’s Classic, to retellings, this list will have you reaching for you popcorn and fairy wands!

Disney’s Cinderella (1950)


Roger’s and Hammerstein’s ‘Cinderella’ (1965)


Roger’s and Hammerstein’s ‘Cinderella’ (Whitney’s Version)


The Inheiritance (1997)


Ever After (1998)


Ella Enchanted (2005)


Cinderella (2015)


Cinderella (Prime Video’s Version)

Now, personally I don’t think this version is the best, per se, but the music is wonderful! If you want to watch at your own discretion, be my guest. For now, I’ll leave you with this ballroom scene~


*collapses under the crushing weight of fairytale goodness and various pumpkins*


So what do we think? Good start on our Fairytale Summer?

If you want even MORE fantastical fun, check out these other bloggers who are making this summer even more magical!

A Fairytale Summer Schedule:

Previous Post:

Welcome to Your Fairy-tale Summer Adventure - Start here!!

Next up:

Favorite Fairytale Movies - Katherine Perry


Magical Moodboards


☼Your Fairytale Summer Adventure Starts Here ☼