☼A Fairytale Summer☼

How to join the Happily Ever After this summer!

One of my earliest memories as a child, was sitting in front of the giant bookshelves, surrounded by books. From a colorfully illustrated edition of ‘Misty of Chincoteague’ to ‘Where Are You Blue Kangaroo?’, these books were my first friends, my first literary exploration of the world around me. However, my best friends, my favorite books, and the worlds I returned to the most were the ~FAIRYTALES~.

Looking back, I realize that the bookshelves probably weren’t as big as I’d thought, but the stories stayed with me until now.

Some might say they fuel my flair for the dramatic, my love for the fantastical, and inspired my artistic imagination.

Even now, I’ve never come across a frog who couldn’t be a prince (if he tried very hard) I see royal carriage potential in all pumpkins, and know enough not to wander into stranger’s houses (no matter how good the porridge is!)

If you also love the fantastical, the sweet, the imaginative, and wondrous nature of fairytales, consider joining this blog event!


This blog event will run from the official beginning of summer (according to Google) JUNE 20th to JULY 4 .

From moodboards to book lists, this summer is all about celebrating the fairytales we love (and one’s were not that sure about…I don’t know what was happening with Hansel and Gretel…)

If you want to get participate, check out the form here!

I can’t wait for this summer to get started! I already have lots of ideas for posts, from every version of Cinderella I could get my hands on, to fun fairytale inspired things to do this summer!

See you all soon!

*dissapears in a puff of sparkles*

[edit 5/ 15/ 24]

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Book Haul!


Meet the Artist ~Abian~