Book Haul!

Heyooo everyone!!

Did you think this was strictly an art blog?

…so did I….

Anywho, books are such an important part of my life and my personality, that it would be CRIME not to talk about them a little bit (or a lot as the case may be)

So today I thought I’d share some of the books that we’ve gotten (and when I say we, I mean my family, not me, myself and I…though they are very cool and occasionally have great ideas) . From library sales to finding hidden gems in used book stores, I like to think that we’ve rescued these dear books from being unappreciated to becoming cherished members of our family

So anyways…

Meet My Friends!!!


Old Friends

We have a LOT of books right now. But we used to have a LOT more! Over the years, we’ve moved a lot, and some of dear literary friends were re-homed to people who were less…mobile. Ever since we moved here *waves hand in the general direction of Planet Earth* we’ve been reunited with our dear books!!

Ok, well not the actual books we used to own, but finding them in bookstores and thrift shops is like a treasure hunt to find your friends!!

Curious George

The Itsy-Bitsy Spider

Jessie Bear books

Are You My Mother?

Fox in Socks


Little Golden Picture Dictionary

Granny Torrelli Makes Soup - Sharon Creech

Cherry Ames Visiting Nurse

Crenshaw - Katherine Applegate

Midnight In Lonesome Hollow - A Kit (American Girl) Mystery

Hamlet - Shakespeare (yep…we’re going classical folks)

We interrupt this program for a ‘Diversion Into English Literature’:

When I first saw Hamlet in the thrift store, I thought it’d be good to have a classic Shakespeare. The drama of the theater has always appealed to me, as well as the particular drama of Hamlets’s soliloquy, ‘To be or not to be’

Here’s some thrilling passages I’ve discovered in the unabridged original text of Shakespeare's ‘Hamlet',

“Buzz Buzz” (in regards to old news or uninteresting talk)

“The drink! The drink! I am PoIsOiNeD!!” *dies*

“Where is my Father?”

-” …dead…” ( a lot of people died in this play??)


Polonious os a chracter in here who’s purpose has not been yet discovered by my sisters and I. But here’s his main action:

[Enter Polonius]

*says random thing that keep the plot going I guess*

[Exit Polonious]

End of ‘Diversion into English Literature’


New Friends

What’s a better place to find new books than a thrift shop, or a used bookstore?

(nowhere, in my opinion, because I’m not going to pay $25 for a book that i can get for $3)

Here’s some new literary friends I’ve made while browsing the shelves like Belle!

No, unfortunately there was no sliding ladder thing…

The book on the left, ‘The Most Beautiful Villages of the Loire’ has inspired many paintings of mine. The ‘Sistine Chapel’ was an easy grab because I hope to go to Italy and see it in real life one day!!

These are some random books I’ve collected over time. Some of them, the covers just appealed to me, and others I was just curious, and they didn’t cost too much.

(Hence the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ book. I was curious, but I’m pretty sure the original implications of story are not suitable for children and I don’t know why it’s so popular…)

So there you have it! I think I’ll post about some of my favorite books sometime in the future, but for now…

Have you read any of these? Were you ever curious about Shakespeare? (and if you actually understand ‘Hamlet’, please explain??)

Well that’s all for-

*record scratch*


we interrupt this program for a scheduling notice:

I’m hosting a fairy-tale themed blog event called, 'A Fairytale Summer’ this June! If you love the nostalgia, the simplicity, the charm of fairytales, and want to blog about it, post about it, or create something for it, consider signing up today!

Here’s where you can find more info:

And here’s the sign-up form!

Even if this particular event is not for you, consider promoting it on any of your social media by using/ sharing this pic! Spread the joy!

Ok ok ok, now THAT’S really all

*looks inside the closet where I keep all my ideas*

yep, that’s all!

See you all next week!


Dear Discouraged Creatives, Don’t Stop Now!


☼A Fairytale Summer☼