🎉Cornerstone Series Cover Reveal!

Heyooo everyone!!

Today I have a SUPER exciting post for you! I had the amazing opportunity to reveal some covers for a fairytale retelling series (and by now, you all know how much I love fairytales!!)

This is a reader’s dream! Helping new books into the world to spread joy and light to all who explore it’s pages!

It’s almost moving enough to make a person cry 🥹

But Iet’s pull ourselves together, shall we?

Annoucing, revealing and all around showing you…

~ The Cornerstone Series ~

I'm so excited to be participating in the cover reveal for the Cornerstone series coming from Beyond the Bookery beginning this summer!

16 Christian fantasy fairy tale retellings filled with faith, clean romance, danger, and courage from authors:

Laurie Lucking,

Kirsten Fichter,

E. G. Bella,

Jewel Windall,

Saraina Whitney,

Rachel Kovaciny,

Abigail Kay Harris,

Madisyn Carlin,

Lucy Peterson,

Anna Augustine,

Olivia Godfrey,

Kendall Hoxsey,

K. R. Mattson,

C. K. Heartwing, 

Kendra E. Ardnek,

Katja H. Labonté

Pre-order links can be found in @beyondthebookery ‘s bio.

Cover designer: @mountainpeakeditsanddesign | Cover Design by Mountain Peak Edits & Design

Publisher: @beyondthebookery | Bellator de Lux Publishing

#fairytaleretellings #fantasy #laurielucking #madisyncarlin #fairytaleretelling #christianfantasy #cornerstoneseries #beyondthebookery #covereveal #awesomecover #indieauthor #newseries #nonmagical #cleanfiction #mountainpeakeditsanddesigns #abigailkayharris #christianfiction #preordernow

And now for the moment we’ve alllll been waiting for!!!










you know I’m gonna make you scroll














was that a flower?























hey, what’s that up ahead??










just over there








by the singing camel
















EEEEKKK!!! I Can’t wait!!

But we don’t have to!!

Pre-order now and don’t miss out on the chance to put these beuatiful books on your bookshelf soon!



A Fairytale Summer ~ Le Details~


Dear Discouraged Creatives, Don’t Stop Now!