A Fairytale Summer ~ Le Details~


*points to random spot in the distance*

Hello everyone! Today I give you RULES

…ok not the most fun sounding thing, but when you have princes, dragons and golden egg laying gooses (yes gooses, not geese) you need a little bit of order.

Or else the Great Fairytale Crisis of 1543 might happen again

*gasps of horror echo around the basically empty room*

Now, now everyone, let’s remain calm…

ANYwho!! I’m here to give all the participants of our Fairytale Summer event some more details so that our summer fun can go smoothly!

When to Post

I’ve contacted each participant directly with the day reserved for them. I’m trying to have at least one post each day (except for Sunday) so that our event goes consistently for the whole two weeks!

Here’s our working schedule: (you can still grab any of these days!)

Thursday (June 20th) - Cinderella by Every Other Name ~ Yours Truly

Friday (June 21st) - Favorite Fairytale Movies ~ Katherine Perry

Saturday (June 22nd) - Fairytale Inspired Moodboards ~ C.K Heartwing

Sunday (June 23rd) -

Monday (June 24th) - Favorite Fairytale Books ~ Virgina Henderson

Tuesday (June 25th) -

Wednesday (June 26th) - Blog Post ~ Madi

Thursday (June 27th) - Favorite Fairytale Retelling ~ Katja Labonté

Friday (June 28th) - Snow and Rose Post ~ Lillian Keith

Saturday (June 29th) - Magical Moodboards ~ Yours truly

Sunday (June 30th) -

Monday (July 1st) - Jaiden Phillips

Tuesday (July 2nd) - Penelope Penwiggles Posts ~ Lillian Keith

Wednesday (July 3rd) - Madi

Thursday LAST DAY (July 4th) - Thanks for playing post by me

Where to Post

Each participant will post their contribution on their own blog/ website and link back to an upcoming ‘Your Fairytale Summer Adventure Starts Here’ post. From there, people can watch the event unfold and read each post in consecutive order as they come out.

Also, I would ask that you go back and link the post previous to yours so each person’s followers can discover maybe new blogger they’ve never met, or find out about a fairytale they’ve never heard of! It’s all about spreading the joy, people!

How to Join

If you’re not yet part of this event, and want to drop some fantastical knowledge about the green dragon’s propensity to eat dainty princesses and how that digestion would indeed happen (or not) we’d love to have you!

(maybe don’t post about the digestion part tho, some people might not be able to handle the…er…awesomeness)

You can read about the event here and sign up here!

How to Get Inspired

So maybe you want to join, maybe grow your blog a bit, or just want to play too!

We’d love to have you!

But maybe you don’t know where to start, or what fairytale to post about…

Dearest new friend…I bring you…


*pulls out a giant moodboard filled with silk pieces from dresses, dragon scales, Prince-Be-Gone Spray*

Whoops…sorry didn’t see you there Random FairyTale Background Character With No discernible Personality But Somehow Has Some Relevance To The Plot Line..

So there you have it! Remember, submissions close on Thursday (June 13) so make sure you sign up now! Or if you know someone who might want to join, consider sending them the sign up form link!


I can’t wait for the event to start! Are you as excited as I am??


Gouache: Weird Word, Weird Paint??


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