Meet The Artist ~Jaiden Phillips~

Heyoooo everyone!

Joining us today is someone I’m sure you’ll want to meet! So, without further ado… (because ado is getting very hard to find in stores these days)  

Amelia Grace Art is happy to introduce you to….

Jaiden Phillips

Welcome Jaidie,  it’s lovely to have you here!

Why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself?

Hey-Oh, everyone!! *waves enthusiastically* I'm Jaiden, but just call me Jaidie! ;) I've been drawing for *stares into space* five-ish years, but three years seriously working at it and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon ;) I just really love creating images and stories through lines and colors, it's so thrilling to think what the perfect mixture of lines and colors can create! :D 

I've designed several book covers including one for my debut novel The Guild Of Thieves and my upcoming release This Gray Canvas (which is actually about an artist, so it was super fun to write about my other passion! :D <3 ) And am working on getting into the character card business ;)

Aside from drawing, I love writing, reading, HTTYD, LotR, ice cream, welsh corgis, and Jesus of course! 

Oh, and dragons! Because who doesn't like dragons!? ;p 

What or who inspires you artistically?

Um… life? Nature, people, books, movies…pretty much everything…lol… I really find good inspiration in the “Art of (certain movie/show)” books, like “The Art of How to Train Your Dragon” the early concepts and paintings, so many different pretty styles! But yeah, pretty much everything, so I tend to draw in a bunch of different mediums and styles…lol… ;p 

What do you consider your greatest artist project?

Oof, that's a hard one, but I'm going to have to go with my current project, which is drawing every main character from Avatar: The Last Airbender series in my twist on their original designs. It's been a lot of work, but also a ton of fun! And I've grown a new fondness for cell-shading, it's so fun to do you guys!

 I'm almost done, I have one character before my big art dump reveal I'll be posting on my blog! Tho I might decide to do some of my fav side characters, but they won't be part of the big reveal, hopefully to be posted at the end of this month on my art blog!! :D

Have you sold any artwork or has your work been published anywhere (if so, would you like to link to it?)

Yes! I'm also a writer and I design all my (and my sisters) book covers! :D (Which include, The Dragon Prince Chronicles, The Guild of Thieves, & This Gray Canvas)

I also have an art blog, where I post my art (when I remember…lol…man, I really need to update that soon *facepalm*). And an art store, where I sell my art, a few shirts and fan merch for DPC, and I take commissions for cover art (ebook & paperback). Character art, illustrations, and custom shirt/poster/sticker designs as well! :)

Here's the link to my blog that has all that information and the link to my store! ;)

My Blog

What’s your favorite color to work with?

I don't know why but I really like working with blue! It's such a versatile and soothing color, make it dark it gives off a mysterious or eerie vibe, make it bright it gives off a lively, joyful vibe, make it light it gives off a calm, comforting vibe…the possibilities are endless! ;)

I also find it very fun to work with yellow and red together, one of my favorite pieces right now is red and yellow…Hehehe.. XD

Is there a favorite book/ movie/ TV show whose style you’d like to emulate?

Yes!! I really like the art style of HTTYD, so gorgeous! I can draw sketches in the style (the dragons are especially fun!) But, I haven't really tackled trying to paint it in digital, except one art study I did on Toothless for Christmas last year, which if I do say so, turned out pretty nice. :D

And I've recently been working on copying the style of the Avatar: The Last Airbender series! I've almost got all the main characters done, and I have to say I love how they turned out!!! Especially my favorite boy Zuko! *coughs* sorry, anyway…lol…

And finally,

Is there any advice you’d want to give  beginning artists?

I think the best advice that time would have liked to hear before starting drawing is to not be afraid to ask for others opinions on your art. It may hurt sometimes, but in the end asking your family for their real opinions has helped me improve and grow as an artist so much. I'd still be drawing rabbits with round heads if it wasn't for my mom's gracious honesty! (*waves* Thanks, Mommy!)

Thanks so much for joining us today!

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That’s all for now, I’ll see you all next week!


Meet the Artist ~Abian~
